S.A.L.S.A is a work that will explain 5 key principles to you in a creative fashion. It will also discuss the relationship that salsa dancing and life carry independently and together. Each letter in S.A.L.S.A stand for something that will help you continue to grow as a person. This book will provide insight and information for you regardless of your experiences because we all have live life and we all experience rhythm in some way. Now, we will combine the two and grow from new found knowledge and refreshed ideas.
Stan Pearson is a Spanish Speaking, Salsa dancing professional speaker who travels the U.S. and different parts of the world motivating and inspiring students, staff and professionals. He earned his B.A. in Spanish and his MBA in Management and has combined those to execute powerful experiences and programs for all who come in contact with him. His programs are interactive, engaging and educational and he has put part of that in this book S.A.L.S.A Finding Your Rhythm to Success. This is the 4th book Stan has created or been a part of in his career. He continues to be highly sought after because of his creativity, charisma and dedication to his audience and participants. If you’ve never heard Stan speak before, this is only the tip of the ice-berg.
S.A.L.S.A is a work that will explain 5 key principles to you in a creative fashion. It will also discuss the relationship that salsa dancing and life carry independently and together. Each letter in S.A.L.S.A stand for something that will help you continue to grow as a person. This book will provide insight and information for you regardless of your experiences because we all have live life and we all experience rhythm in some way. Now, we will combine the two and grow from new found knowledge and refreshed ideas.

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